Sports Massage

Sports Massage

If we are serious about any type or training then we continue it throughout the entire year. Those of us who run, jog or keep out fitness level high by other exercise will benefit from massage to help us recover, and simply to feel better afterward.

Thai Massage Gladesville
Exercise can give us a rush, because we are releasing some endorphins. And it is a significant benefit the rest of the time because we improve our energy levels and tend to get better rest at night. So life is better; or our experience of life is better because we are more together and better able to handle whatever comes our way. But the benefits are lost if we don’t recover well from the exercise exertion.
Only a few of us train competitively. Those who do tend to be coached, and understand the benefits of recovery time. We need rest and perhaps massage so that our body has time to improve after all that exertion. Most of us don’t train or exercise for competitive reasons. We simple want to be healthier. It is too easy to overlook the need for rest and massage. But this means that we compromise all the effort that when into the exercise.

Strathfield Thai Massage -Sports
Sports massage is designed to deeply manipulate tendons, ligaments and muscles. This is great for health, but like exercise it is deliberately straining the body to increase performance. So the person who receives the massage needs a little time to recover.
It is best to get a sports massage when you have not scheduled other strenuous activity. Have the massage when you are not training the same day. And if you are playing competitive games it is best to have this type of massage a day or so after the game, rather than before.
Long term benefits from massage are important. It reduces the change of injury, increases flexibility and performance and helps recover (and hence the heathy benefits) of exercise.

Gladesville Thai Massage
There are two important factors I fitness and improving sports performance. They seem like opposites, but we need the strain of exercise and the recovery provided by rest. Without the recovery the benefits of a workout or exercise are compromised or lost. Massage can help us with recovery, and make the most of our training.

Sports Massage

Sports Massage

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